Important Rules and Cases of #14 BBM – 2025

Here are the rules and important cases of Romanian Meeting:


– All vehicles and participants should register before entering the camp place.

– Organization committee will be VW Aircooled Raiders club

– Registrations will be made with your passports and Id’s.

– Whom joined the meeting will be considered accepted the fees. Prices are valid between 3 July morning-6 July noon. No fee changes either participants come late or leave early.

– There will be surprise gifts and meeting materials during registration.

–  Organization committee has rights to resist, forbid or take out the person who will threat participants’ security or in a bad attitude.

– Speed limit is 5 kms in the camp place.

– It is not allowed to listen to the music loudly and to test cars in resting hours (22:00-08:00).

– The camping doors will be closed by the management at 23:00 due to the discomfort of the visitors. We’d like to remind this rule above all.

– All participants has to watch out their own belongings. Organization Committee won’t be responsible of losses or suffers.

  • All participants must stay in camping area, during the meeting, Organization Committee won’t be responsible for any accidents or damages outside this area.

– Keep clean the camp area!!! Protect nature!!

– Organization Committee reserves the rights to change the program. Organizers’ decisions are valid in all issues.

– All VW Buses and the all other vehicles (specially came from abroad) have to obey traffic rules of Romania.

– Every pet has to be owned a collar in the camp place. Please don’t forget to clean your pets poo.

  • Other activities and sports are allowed only with all means of protection (helmets for bikes etc..)!

– It is restricted to light campfire in the camp area and barbecues are allowed only in marked area

– Electricity is included the entry fee.

– Electricity  usages will be controlled by the Organization Committee. Please inform before using high current devices.

– Whom joined the meeting will be considered accepted the rules above.

– Organization Committee is working for a safe, pleasant and peaceful meeting. Nevertheless, it is very important to obey all rules above to keep this culture and have a goog meeting.

  • Every participants who is attending to the meeting will agree the rules above and sign this notice when register.

Thanks for attendance!



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